Thursday, September 15, 2011

When to start??

Okay, scouts, so far there are four of us. If you know of anyone else who would like to join this "book club," send them here to comment on the list so I can mark which ones they've read. We need to get everyone in on it soon so we can begin chipping away at this thing. My thought is to allow the remainder of this month (September) to finish up books/projects (like studying for the G.R.E. in my case) that we're currently working on, as well as allow time for anyone else to join, and begin the list Oct. 1. What are your thoughts on this?

After deciding when to start, we need to also decide what to read. As you can see, we have all already chipped away at the list on our own over the years before we even knew it was a list. Some have read books while others have not. That will make it difficult to read together. Anyone have ideas on how we could do it? We also need to decide in what time frame we should read each book. You ideas will be greatly appreciated.

Finally, I think the best way for us the "read together" is for each of us to comment on this blog periodically to share our thoughts, insights, etc. I will create an initial post describing the book we are currently reading, and from there, we can begin a discussion chain of comments on the book.

Please share your ideas via comments on this post. Thanks, friends! Can't wait to get started!


  1. Let's start by reading Atonement. I have heard it is a true classic that a hundred years from now will still be taught. And none of us have read it, and I've been dying to ne motivated to start it :)

  2. Also, I think the kite runner needs to be added. I'm going to start it next. It's in the top ten of the most influential books of the century

  3. Ummm October 1st is fine. (I'm taking the GRE between Oct 30th and Nov. 16th - haven't decided an exact date yet. But I can still read! I just have to order whatever book we decide on this Friday on Amazon. Did we want to try to go straight down the list? If not we should all each submit 5 options every time and whichever ones lap over we could do possibly? Or each take turns submitting 5 options each time we finish a book then everyone else votes and the most votes wins? Sound good? Yes, no?

  4. I like that idea, Sam - the voting thing will allow everyone to have a say on what we read. Do you mind starting with Atonement Oct. 1 to get things rolling? I'm fine with that idea. I'm sure my sister will be fine with it, too.

  5. Also, Tara,I am fine with adding kite runner!

  6. I've been thinking about it though...I want us to seriously attempt to read ALL these books regardless of initial desire. I fear that if we pick and choose, we will only end up reading those we are truly interested in and either never get to the ones that sound less appealing, or, perhaps even worse, save all the slow/strange/whatever books for the end, which would make for quite a long stretch of laborious reading. Perhaps we should simply start at the beginning and go down the list. If the book next on the list has already been read by even only one of us, we go on to the next one. After we've been through the ones no one has read, we can go back and read the ones we haven't read that others have. Make sense? Idk if that would be best but it seems that way we would avoid the first possibility I mentioned.

  7. Yeah, that probably would happen. Let's just go down the list. What's the first one everyone hasn't read again? Do you have the tallies still carrie? I need to know to order it lol.

  8. I think the first book will be "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea," which my sister is very displeased about. Apparently it is dry. We talked about reading a book a month, which will have us finishing the list in approximately 12-15 and if you finish the book of the month early, you can play catch up by reading a book that others have read but you have not, make sense? I will make an initial post about the book of the month and from there, we will comment on the book and discuss it via thread.

  9. Why is 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea first? hahahaha. It's fine though I'll order today if needed!

  10. LOOK AT THE LIST SILLY HEAD! the 1st on the giant list is 1984 but two of us have read that, so we move on to the next one on the list, which is 20,000..
