Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We're getting closer!

In three days (well, would it be considered two days since I only have to live through a Wednesday and a Thursday - sleep only twice - before Friday?), I will TAKE THE GRE.

Needless to say, this monster of a test has bogged me down for the better part of, oh, five months. BUT, once I take it, I'll be finished studying, at least for now and hopefully for forever.

Therefore, October 1st will commence the reading of the bagillion books of the "Before We Die" list. It seems we have decided to begin at the beginning, sans those books some have already read. That leaves us with "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea."

From what Lorrie remembers of an attempt to read the book in the past, it is "dry."

I don't know about you, but I came into this knowing we'd run into some "dry" ones.

So I guess we may as well start with one of 'em and get it out of the way.

Sam ordered a copy of the book online from Amazon. I made fun of that copy, because it looks like a giant children's book - as thick as a chapter book but hard-backed and over-sized like those you find in a preschool section. I then proceeded to check out an identical copy of the book at the library the following day.

Thus, if you haven't gotten a copy yet, you might find it equally entertaining to choose as silly a version as we did (it comes with pictures and diagrams!)

Anyway, we'll officially begin the book this Saturday, October 1st, 2011. On Friday, look for a beginner post about the book, for from that first post our discussion thereafter about "20,000" will grow. Discussion can include any questions, frustrations, comments you wish to share with the others. In fact, the discussion is hugely important, because without it, we are no book club - we're just some people who happen to be reading the same random, weird, possibly over-sized book at the same time.

If anyone has any suggestions, questions, etc leading up to Saturday, post it here! Otherwise...let's set sail! [Get it? 'Cause the book's about the sea??]


  1. Well, now my simple, small, paperback copy seems inadequate. I'm going to be wondering about those pictures, damn it! I am, however, too frugal to forego my free copy —or probably previously purchased copy— to buy another copy of a book that I don't even want in the first place. I just had the lyrics to Sir Mix-a-lot's Baby Got Back go through my head except that it went something like, "I like big sentences and I cannot lie. Those other sisters can't deny." Wow, I'm in a mood today!

    Okay then, so my only legitimate comment/question is: Are we dividing up the pages or chapters per week so that we don't ruin the —if there is any in this stupid book— suspense?

  2. Bahahaha I love the comments. Especially when there are definitions like "vertebrae". I'll be officially starting on Sunday because I'll be preoccupied on Saturday with yet another wedding. Thank god, this is the last until April (fingers crossed). Any who, let's push through this book then read something fun!

    And you guys should definitely order all of them off of amazon unless you are renting them at your library because book are soooo cheap on there! Like carrie said, I got mine for $3!

    I'm ready to sail and feel the wind in my hair! (Too much...? haha.)

  3. Hmm...good point. We should break up the book into...fourths? I will look at the book and make sure to come up with a "reading schedule" by Friday.
    Oh,'re hilarious. (Now I have your odd, more wholesome version of that stupid song stuck in my head.)

  4. Nah, matey, not too much at all ;) I have a feeling the nautical references are going to become a big part of our language next month =)

  5. I'm going to start reading tonight seeing as I've been recovering. Let me know what chapter I need to have done before our first session! (When is that btw?) Talk to you scallywags soon!
