Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Before I begin the monster list...

I am attempting to chip away at the books I've made promises to and neglected for too long. One includes "Committed," Elizabeth Gilbert's answer to the questions raised in her first "megajumbo" (as she calls it) hit Eat, Pray, Love. I can't speak highly enough of Gilbert. Sure, many were turned off by the raw emotions and impulsive decisions described in the first book, but the key to her success is that Gilbert lives with a priceless humility. "Committed" proves she has grown to understand herself and learn from her past mistakes. I strongly recommend that anyone considering the epic commitment that is marriage first take time to read this book and consider the many aspects of history, research and insight Gilbert provides during her own quest to make peace with the institution. I know that I, being someone who entered marriage very much the way she did (young, naive, ill-equipped), have taken so very many useful gems away from her work and will be ever grateful to her for saving me from making any future costly mistakes.

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