Tuesday, October 4, 2011


True Affection - The Blow

Listen to this! (Click on the thingy above.) I was listening to Pandora today at work, and this song came on my "Band of Horses" radio station (which is one of THE best radio stations by the way hint hint). Here I am listening listening working working blah blah blah and then suddenly - 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA! Not really, but listen for the reference. It's the chorus, so if you miss it you are having a very "slow" day and should probably just go back to bed before you hurt someone.

MY POINT IS THIS: Have you started reading yet?

I am not being patronizing or motherly or higher-than-thou, as I have yet to begin reading the book myself, quite honestly. But apparently Captain Nemo... or Pandora... or someone out there wants me to read the thing because it threw me this little reminder via hip tune-age.

So let's get to reading mateys ;)

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