Tuesday, August 23, 2011

100+ Books to Read Before We Die

This list is a compilation of not only Time Magazine's "ALL TIME 100 Novels" but another list I found and agreed with, though I cannot seem to find it now (I will post it when I pinpoint it). If, in the future, anyone happens upon a list that includes books that are not already included in the list to follow and feels strongly said books should be added to the Master List, feel free to make your case!

I should explain that the idea for such a list came when I was amidst compiling my personal
"Bucket List" or list of things to do before I die. I realized there are several books still sitting patiently inside my current "To Read" queue and that, furthermore, there were maybe one million more I would love to make acquaintance with. If you are like me, hopefully you, too, will take something away from this group - a group dedicated to gradually but consistently chipping away at the evermore ominous mountain of must-reads.

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